Between 28 and 29 November 2016, construction faculty students of the Zgierz High School Group attended a professional class and workshop course, held as a part of a project at the Balex Metal Construction Academy.

The main training challenge for these future roofers was to build a complete roofing system on roof framing models, using thermal insulation components for the over-rafter installation. This group of 30 students from Zgierz simply shone, and not just as a result of the efforts by the expert trainers, who included:

  • Krzysztof Wieteska, Master Roofer and Chairman of the Polish Roofers' Association, Branch in Łódź
  • Krzysztof Milczarek, a building structure physicist and a leading Polish authority in building thermal insulation systems
  • Jacek Łazuka, a civil engineering expert, specialising in thermal insulation systems
  • Sławomir Maśko, a civil engineering expert, specialising in thermal insulation systems

The training course was delivered in three units. The first was a lecture on over-rafter thermal insulation systems and the state-of-the-art Thermano PIR insulation solution. The second involved practical workshops with the roof models. The third was a visit to the production floors at Balex Metal.

What the students and their guardians found most valuable was the opportunity to complement theoretical knowledge with hands-on training:

"This is a great teaching and learning experience. Unfortunately, our school lacks the facilities to teach how to build roof structures, roof frames and other roof components on models. This type of course helps the young to learn and understand the practical application of what we teach them."

Żaneta Gazewska
Zgierski Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych