Waterproofed PURS gasket (polyurethane)

The main property of waterproofed polyurethane tape is its expandability. With this property, the gasket is suitable for filling all kinds of gaps between steel materials.

The tape is available in several versions:

  • 10x4 20 mm (width, thickness, thickness after expansion), 8 m
  • 15x6 30 mm (width, thickness, thickness after expansion), 5.6 m
  • 20x8 40 mm (width, thickness, thickness after expansion), 4 m
  • 20x10 50 mm (width, thickness, thickness after expansion), 3.3 m
  • 30x8 40 mm (width, thickness, thickness after expansion), 4 m


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Approved:2022-05-13 12:41:59

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